Angel Tweety Blanket Progress

In Progress Angle Tweety 1
In Progress Angle Tweety 1

I have started the large angel tweety blanket a few weeks ago…when I finished the Canadian Flag blanket. Baby decided to join the party, my little dog.

In Progress Angle Tweety 2
In Progress Angle Tweety 2

I’m doing the larger pattern, because I plan on using it on my queen sized bed when I complete it.

In Progress Angle Tweety 3
In Progress Angle Tweety 3

This is the most complex picture blanket I have done and I’m loving it…very hard to put it down when I have to do something else. I am about half way done with the blanket because of this.

I keep all the yarn balls that are attached to the blanket in a large Tupperware box and several times the box was half full. Keeping my yarn from tangling had been challenging with this one.

Angel Tweety Yarn Box
Angel Tweety Yarn Box
Back of Angle Tweety
Back of Angle Tweety

I knew the wings would be complex but was surprised at the trouble I’m having trying to keep track of where on the wing I’m at. The feathers are pretty much the same count so I end up counting several times to keep track of where I am.