Blog Calendar

Blog Calendar

I’m trying something new that most of the experts in the blogging field have recommended.

I’m going to start using a blogging calendar and have found a wonderful plug-in, the editorial calendar. You can find the editorial calendar here.

I haven’t been very good about keeping a schedule of blog posting. I have the ideas, it’s just sitting down and writing, lol.

I have all kinds of ideas, but tend to draw a blank once I sit down. I also have found that I’m more likely to write when I write up several posts at one time. I don’t want to overload the blog by writing and only posting things on one day, but am bad about figuring a schedule out.

The editorial calendar takes care of both problems, so I’m going to give that a go and see how it works, so far since I added the plug in I have written and scheduled about 3 weeks of posts.

I will keep you posted on how this works, but anything should be better than what I have been doing. My goal is to have at least 3 posts a week, and if I have more I can fill in days, or I can fill the other days with current things.

What have you done to help you blog regularly, let me know in the comments…I  can use all the ideas I can get.